Chelmsford, Essex

What Stories To Use When You Post For Your Audience

I very rarely remember what people have actually said but I remember their stories, especially if it is outrageous! 

We are ordinary people who lead extraordinary stories to tell. We all have an extraordinary story (or several) to tell but because it belongs to us, we do not value it/them.  In other terms we take ourselves for granted. Start to value your story as it will engage others and if you are promoting your business, they will choose you as your story stands out. This is an homage to Maya Angelou, who has been an inspiration to me for years.

“People will forget what you said

People will forget what you did

But people will never forget how you made them feel”.

Maya Angelou.

This article is dedicated to Maya Angelou who passed away on the 28th of May 2014, nearly a year ago. This is what her son Guy, B Johnson has to say about her “She lived a life as a teacher, activist, artist and human being.  She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace”. She was also a writer, a poet and I encounter her work when I decided to improve my English by taking A level English language and literature in 1994 and in the middle of Essex,  UK, I discovered racial inequalities and prejudices of the Deep South with “I know why the Caged Bird Sings”. The beauty of her work highlighted the toughness of Maya Angelou’s existence but especially encapsulated her unfaltering sense of hope for herself and the life of others. Her story, her life and her work has had a tremendous influence on my own life, thinking about humanity, courage and on the life of millions across the globe.

Now, I have not got Maya Angelou’s background and have not suffered of prejudices in my life and for my readers today, you may think What could I talk to make my presentation or content more human, more engaging, more authentic and more memorable so that my message is not lost for ever on my listeners?”


  • Why do I do what I do? Your big why for your work or for your business is crucial
  • What drives you?
  • Have you overcome adversity and learnt from it? Talk about it
  • What do you believe in? Which causes would you die for?

First in doubt, use other’s people stories to illustrate your point(s), it could be clients success stories. As a happy client is your success story! Whatever you do, think story and yours preferably.

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Love Helene

Helene is a dreamer, a poet, a trainer, a coach, an author, a mother, a daughter.  She is passionate about helping others overcome their fears of speaking, in meetings, in social situations, in public and to speak up. She will help you to shape a presentation and to practice so that you can be your authentic self and speak from the heart.  She can help you overcome the blocks which prevent you from embracing life fully professionally and personally.

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Buy Helene’s book on: The Power of Outrageous Expression’ here.

Join her online course ‘The 5 Keys to Unlock Public Speaking‘ here.

“I really enjoyed the group work and Helene’s style. I like the idea of knowing I work well with a visual cue: anchor. Good to be reminded of the circle of assurance, I did use it after! The group is feeling like we’re all working for each other, great. Like the idea of standing when presenting, will work on this. All very supportive and helping me. I enjoyed connecting with the group, focusing on my ideal client and the breathing exercises. Good to be reminded of ‘making myself bigger’ it helps so much with the confidence.  Gill Clark, Gill’s Health Hub – Homeopathy.

See what Tracy has to say here.


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